WOW It has been a LONG time since I've blogged. Don't even know if any of you are still reading this, but I want to start blogging again, so no time like now!
I will show some of the things I have knit since I last posted.
Below is the
Shalom Cardigan. LOVED this knit. All the modifications I made are on my Ravelry page. It is warm and cozy!!

The next little knit is what I like to call "
Pirate Butts Ahoy"!! I made two pairs of these for a good friend. She has two boys and they look so cute in them.

My family back in Kentucky has been popping out babies lately and I've enjoyed knitting the next two little sweaters for new cousin's in the family.
I saw this little sweater and really enjoyed the knit. It went to cutie patootie Piper. I really think the sweater is prettier in person, just saying.

The sweater below went to sweet little Olive. I had to do some searching for this pattern as it was an out of date pattern that is not published any longer. This was a very enjoyable knit and turned out beautiful! Who know how long it will take the wee ones to grow into them, but I hope one day to see them in the sweaters.

This sweater was knitted for my beautiful niece, Lana. She was so over joyed that she got to go with me and pick out the buttons. I had buttons in mind, but she didn't know that. Luckily I found the buttons I wanted and Lana loved them!! There are more pictures of Lana on my
Ravelry page. The jacket was designed by my friend
Denise and it's called Mya's Jacket. You can buy the pattern
here on Ravelry.