Sunday, April 30, 2006
I also got together with some friends and their kiddo's and we played with stamps, glue, yarn, fabric, star sequins, you name it!!! And I made these little dolls after being at the Magic, Mischief and Mayhem weekend in Richmond, inspired by Di (one of the teachers) I think I'll make them into pins. :)
Then my brother in law who is stationed in Afganistan showed up at the Movie store with Jacob and I went to rent some movies...He's on a 2 week leave and staying with us. Jacob is SO excited....He wants Uncle Chris to take him to the bus stop in the morning! LOL Does this mean I can sleep in?!?
And then TOMORROW I shall be an aunt AGAIN! My brother and his wife will be going into the hospital tomorrow to have Lana!! I'm so excited! Fun stuff!
Friday, April 28, 2006
You can check out the video here on my account.
I think the boys had an ok time... at first they were kinda scared so I got out of the grass since that was too close for them and we stood back some and they were cool then.

The boys with the balloons starting to inflate behind them.
More Balloons going up! And below....the penguin FINALLY did get up, but he looked so comfy laying down I had to snap a picture. I think he was looking at the clouds picking out shapes..what do you think?? haha
And of course no festival that I've ever been to is we bought noise makers!!!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
ANYWAY! I had a wonderful time with my friend Dot, from BeadArt and her friend Amy, and all her "Gilded Lilies" from Columbus, Ohio. We went to Magic, Mischief & Mayhem. There were three classes. One Journal class, one doll class (mostly techiques to put ON a doll) and then a painting here are some pictures.
This was the first class I did...the journal class...I started out with these fabrics and that sewing machine.
The after a couple hours I ended up with these!
Then the next day was the painting class....
Starting out I had this...

And at the end of the day I had this......

The third day we focused on techniques to put on that pillar doll I showed you a couple months ago.... Here is one of the samples that I did... :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I should get my Stampin' Up kit tomorrow, so those of you who are local (which I don't think anyone reading this is) watch out for an open house!! I'm getting excited!
I had an interview today.... cross your fingers...the hours are perfect, let's hope the pay is too!!! With the hours they set, I will not need after school child care for Jacob and I'll be home in time to get him off the bus and help him with his homework! AWESOME!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Here are some of the threads I bought and a couple pieces of trim. And below is all the fabric I bought!
And then below you'll see a card that I stamped. I am really getting excited about the Stampin' Up business, so I pulled out some of my Stampin' Up Stamps and created this card.
I am also knitting about 3 more of those beaded/knitted bracelets. MUCH FUN!!! One is for my mom for mother's day...but don't tell her... I don't think she reads this... if she does..then.. mom, you didn't see that!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
(click on the bracelet a larger picture will pop up.)
It's a beautiful day outside today so the boys and I went on a little trip after we went to the post office. First we stopped by Churchill Downs. I am ready for some Derby fun!! Here's a shot of them outside Churchill Downs. Then after that we went into the Kentucky Derby Museum and I bought them both something. Then
off to the new Baseball field to goof off for a bit.....
Sunday, April 02, 2006
I have signed up to be a Stampin' Up Demonstrator. I am excited about the opportunites for this and the fun that I hope to have!! We did a make and take, which was a tile. Very fun! I won a game and came away with a NEW Stamp set, and then for signing up, the gal that is going to be my leader gave me a welcome pack with another stamp set it in, so I feel like I scored big time.
After the Stampin' Up meeting I called Brent and he had the boys at the skate park, so I headed down town to spend the day with was a BEAUTIFUL DAY!!! Jacob is really getting better on his scooter too!!
Here is Jacob on his scooter and Brent and Nathan in the back ground siding on the half pipe.
After we finished at the skate park we headed down to the river and the park. We ran acoss some funky art so I snapped a shot of the boys.
There were several odd "animals" down there.. the boys just happen to be standing at this one at the same time so I snapped a shot with my cell phone (I should pack my digital camera in my purse more often)
After the wild animals we headed to the park and played, bought some hot dogs from a hot dog stand and then played some more at the park. Then we went down by the river. Both of the boys LOVED looking out at the water and throwing drift wood back into the water.
I think Brent and Jacob wished for some waves...but alas...this is the Ohio River ....pretty calm.
And then there was time to reflect on the because they were all too pooped to party.
After the river, we headed home to rest for a bit and let Nathan take a nap...which was WAY short!! Then we decided to clean up and go out to see a movie. We went by the movie theater and bought our tickets early since we were going to a 9:30 pm show. We went down the street from the movie theater to go eat at Qdoba and heard a bluegrass band playing at the Tattoo Shop that we frequent, Twisted Images. We went in and talked to Rodney and visited for a bit and then Vinnie threw some fire...VERY COOL! Then we walked across the street to eat.
After dinner we went to see Ice Age, The was TOO CUTE and both boys sat thru the whole thing and watched! They were so good and the place was darn near empty...I was surprised, but we went to a small theather..not one of the big popular ones! The boys both had booster seats which put them higer up and Nathan even layed across his a couple times...Head on Daddy, feet on me, but lounging, living the high life, watching a BIG movie!! TOO FUN!! We came home and then all four of us crashed for the night!!!
BUSY DAY!!! But Much Fun!
(all pictures were taken with my cell phone camera...that's why they're so grainy)