Friday, June 30, 2006
OH, your girlfriends. I always think about them and cherish them, and now I'm really going to miss them!! Even though we didn't get together often, I knew they were close.
I am taking a disposable camera, no wait maybe I'll take it and the digital, so I can blog about our night!
Off to have one last blast with my GIRLFRIENDS!

What a flipping major score!!! We got this Bonsai Blast for $29.95!!! They go for $129.00 at Wal-mart!!! Yes yes you can be jealous. I did try it out...and I failed misseribly..this is a toy for little ones for sure... Jacob loves it and Nathan's getting used to it too!
We are having a moving/yard sale tomorrow to get rid of some furniture and such. I am also destashing my beads....*gasp* I know.. breathe breathe. I have no clue where we are going to live, but I'm sure it will be smaller that what we have. haha. I am excited! And scared too LOL
As far as making things...I started on the cars pillow case but haven't finished it. I'm just to busy with the kiddo's. But looking back I'll be glad I had this time with my nieces and nephew when I'm up in New Hampshire.
Anybody wanna buy a house?? Kentucky is a cheap place to live!! :)
Monday, June 26, 2006
This fabric (above) and pile of zippers is from Heather. We went in together on a lot of 100 zippers on ebay... what fun!
Click on the pictures to go to Etsy
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
We have opened the letter.......
We are talking it over.......
We just have to decide if we want to do it or not......
If we do, I'll still be able to stay home with the boys and I'll have to work my patootie off and get my Stampin' Up going up there!! I still want to CREATE!! I keep thinking of the store I saw that said "Crafters Wanted" and I'd love to see what I could offer!!
I just have to say my friend Tamelyn is AWESOME!!!!! She sent me some goodies I've been looking for forever!!!! Tamelyn, they boys thank you too for all the goodies you sent them!! The Planet cards are too friggin' cool!! Jacob and I will enjoy those this summer! I already have one side of the "project" done! I don't wanna tell anyone what I'm doing just yet because I want to unveil the little bugger when it's done!! tee hee!!! Thanks!
Finally, here are some pictures from Brent's fight over the weekend. :) He rocks! The referee was Matt Hughes (for any of you UFC fans, you know who he is.)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Funny how one little envelope can hold so much of the unknown in your future!! Brent finally got a letter from Deka...this will help us decided if YES we want to go or NO, we don't want to go. And as luck would have it, because I always seem to get the BAD luck, Brent is OUT OF FRIGGIN' TOWN!!!!!! I dare not open the letter! I want to so bad, but this is for him! I'll wait until he calls tonight and then tells me to open it!! (I Hope).
In other new... Brent had another fight over the weekend in the Caged Inferno II. I'll have to get some pictures from the fight. Brent did a good job and came out victorious! I was very happy and it took me about 2 fights after that for my nerves to calm down. We went out eat with some of the guys Brent trains with and it turned out to be a fun night. This is the only picture I have at the moment. This was the face off between Brent and his opponent. Brent's the tall one on the right. The other guy didn't look that much shorter when they were fighting. I think he was crouching down like a boxer in the picture or something. Anyway...GOOD TIMES!! haha

Friday, June 16, 2006
Click on the banner below to go to my shop.

Have a happy day! Let me know what you think of my Etsy.
Best wishes to Stacy and Bobby!! Have a wonderful Wedding Weekend!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Today has flown by for some reason. I did get to stop by the Forget-Me-Not quilt shop today and I picked up a couple nice fat quarters. Who know's what they'll be, but they were cute!
Pictures later. I'm to tired to hunt down the camera, and boy it's hot! I just don't wanna move from the cooool basement.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Remember I told you we went and saw Cars at the drive in the other night?? Well I saw they had 3 different kinds of Cars fabric and I just had to have some. I thought, what could I make?! Then I thought, PILLOWCASES!! SO I got enough to make both boys pillow cases out of the fabric. I'm excited, Jacob didn't seem to excited. *frown* Maybe after I acutally make it, he'll see what I mean!!
Then I strolled over to the bargin bin and rooted through there and picked up these for remnants that were on sale!! The Elvis fabric is SO COOL, the striped fabric and yellow fabric will make great linings for coin purses, and the butterfly print.....well I just don't know yet what the future holds in store for it, but it was cheap and on sale and pretty, so I got it! I love bargin bins! I wish they had an empty one beside it so I could look at every one of them! I know I looked silly holding ones I didnt' want and I was sticking them everywhere just to get to Elvis at the bottom!! The bin came up to almost my waist and it was FULL of fabrics that were cut wrong or left over or whatever!
Monday, June 12, 2006
This fabric is a design by Suzy Toronto. I love her art work! Side one view.
Friday, June 09, 2006

This is a very special picture. This is my Uncle Edward, Jacob is named after him, Jacob Edward. It was so cute, Jacob kept calling him Mr. Edward. We don't get to see him that much because he lives in Florida. We always enjoy seeing him and our Aunt Janice (Who I didn't get to see this time :o( )

I've been tagged by Heather:
1. Go to Wikipedia.
2. In the Search box, type your birth month and day (but not year).
3. List three events that happened on your birthday.
4. List two important birthdays and one interesting death.
5. One holiday or observance (if any).
So here we go!!
Three Events
1900 - Firestone Tire & Rubber Company founded. /
1946 - National Basketball Association is founded in the United States.
1492 - Christopher Columbus sets sail from Palos de la Frontera, Spain.
1926 - Tony Bennett, American singer
1941 - Martha Stewart, American publisher and media personality (oh lucky me to share a b-day)
2005 - Françoise d'Eaubonne, French feminist (b. 1920)
Equatorial Guinea - Armed Forces Day
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
I cut out more fabric tonight to make another purse. Hopefully I'll have time this week to work on it, but I'm helping at VBS in the craft depot! Fun Fun!! I am enjoying it!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Anyway.... I was out of town for a couple days. I took the boys down to the country where my parents have some land and a trailor about an hour out of the city. They had a good time with their cousins, and my uncle was in from Florida and we got to see him (the uncle my son is named after, very cool I think.)
Before we left town I had some things going on artsy/crafty wise. I hosted a magnet swap and finally got the last of the packages sent out today, so here are the pictures from the participants.