Sunday, August 27, 2006

Happy Sunday. Brent has been bringing me to his office to check my email so I'm trying to post quickies just to keep you updated.

Yesterday was mine and Brent's anniversary. 11 years married!! wheeee

We celebrated and bought ourselves a new washing machine for our clothes since our old one died back in MAY!!! I'm SO tired of laundry mats.

It's grey and cold in NH today and feels GREAT!!! I talked to mom in KY and she said it was sunny and HOT there, so I was glad to be in the cooler area!

I went to a knitting group in Concord earlier today. Had a very nice time!!

Until next time!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Still here and doing GREAT in NH!
Call my cell phone if you wanna chat with me!! It's still the Louisville cell number!!

I have found a knitting group of gals that are fun to knit with, so I'm happy to have found them. Jacob is registered for school and starts around 9-6. He's excited about that. Nathan is still saying "I wanna go home." but Lately he says, "I wanna go home..This IS home." I guess he's heard me say it enough to know that's the common response.

Last weekend we went down to RI to visit our friends Jon and Gabi and Calvin and we had a good time at their county fair.

I miss blogging and posting pictures, but know that when I'm set up at home I'll bombard my blogs with catch-up pictures!!


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hello from New Hampshire. Things are coming together here fine. No internet at home yet but we'll get it soon, then you better get a cup of coffee or a 2 liter and be ready for some reading.

Until then........