Thursday, November 30, 2006
"The first five people to respond to this post (via the comments section) will get some form of art made by me. The only catch, of course: as with most memes, if you sign up, you have to put this in your own blog as well."
After I see your comments email me your address and when I get a chance I'll mail your goodie off. It may be beadwork, it may be a knitted item, it may be a sewn item, it may be a rubber stamped item... I just don't know yet! If you're in the knitting group here in Manchvegas, you'll get it hand delivered next Wednesday.
SO.........who's the first 5 to comment??
I'll be posting some pictures tomorrow of my fingerless mitts and my sock blocker keychain I worked on at "knitting practice" the other night.
Happy Thursday!!!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
You Are Pumpkin Pie |
Even when people are full - they make room for you. Good or bad, your smell is most likely to arouse a man. |

This is a picture of Jacob holding his candy ready with other tiger cubs (who I cropped out, not my kids so I don't wanna show them with out permission) to hand out the candy! He did a great job and did not complain ONCE during the long walk (for little legs).
Friday, November 24, 2006
My ratings on the day.... a 10 baby!!
We went to a fellow knitters house, Heather, and celebrated Thanksgiving with her and her husband Jim, 2 children, her mother and brother and sister! The food was very good, or as a NH person might say, "WICKED AWESOME" (I'm catching on here)
Later in the evening, her husbands family started showing up, and bless little Nathan, He just went up and hugged Jim's Father. It was the most precious thing! And it warmed my heart and made me feel good that he just picked him up and loved him back, as if he was one of his own grandchildren. I love people like that!!! But that moment also made me reaaalllllly miss my family! This is the first Thanksgiving I've ever missed with my family. But I think I did well all day and just knowing the boys had a BLAST made the day even better.
So a BIG BLOGGY THANK YOU to Heather and Jim! You guys made our Thanksgiving wonderful and made us feel so welcome!! We appreciate your hospitality! ( and the left over turkey sammich today was "wicked awesome" tee hee)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I am very happy with how they turned out!! I bought the yarn off Etsy from Handspun and Dyed Too. Check her out, she has some pretty yarn!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Today is the date I got laid off last year from my job of 9 years.
I am happy!
I can't believe I made it a whole year as a stay at home mom and only two emergency room visits!! OK OK one was not my kid but my nephew. He cracked his head on the boys bunk bed and had to go get stitches. And then Nathan's visit to the ER for his broken leg. So I think I'm doing pretty good! LOL
Gina's 3rd podcast is online! Check it out. She references my southern accent LOL!!
No pictures to show today.
Happy Birthday HEATHER!!! Have fun at Disneyland.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Below are a pair of slippers I knitted up. Started last night and finished today.. Nathan's little shoe is beside it so you can see how it felted. I think they are too cute! You had to use 3 strands to knit with and I didn't have enough of one color for the tops of the slippers so I used three! I love how it came out! :)
Sunday, November 12, 2006

I've been meaning to post this stuff since Friday, but the boys have been playing games online a lot. Nathan has even figured out how to finally use the mouse!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006

Thanks girls for a FAB Weekend!! If you want to see more pictures and stories check out these girls, I'm sure they'll have blackmail pictures and stories up soon too:
Friday, November 03, 2006
So until next week.....Have a wonderful weekend! And here is a fun tutorial, by my friend Heather, for something quick and easy (maybe). As Carol would say, "Shut up and make Art!"
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Cubscouts and Knitting tonight! woohoo!!