Monday, December 31, 2007
A lot to share, so grab your nip of choice and read until midnight and ring in the new year with me.
Finished (knitted) Objects of 2007:
The Biggies!!:
Olive Branch Yoga Hoodie (A++) Loved every stitch of this knit!! We won't talk about the zipper episode.
Bar Harbor Shell Bag
Lady Eleanor Entrelac Stole (A++) Labor of love. Beautiful ending!
Tree Frog Socks (Yarn from Sereknity {Heather})
Waterloose socks in STR
2 pair of Seize Diamond Back socks (one eaten by lucky dog that is still living) one Sereknity yarns and one Wildfoote
Jungle Stripe Jaywalkers Lorna's Laces
Goblin Waffle Socks (not posted on ravelry yet)
Horcrux Socks in Wildfoote
Cascading Leaves in Witchy from Sereknity
Cascading Leaves in Lorna's Laces
Mock Croc Socks in Wildfoote
2 pair of basic mittens for Nathan
Corazon Mittens from
2 pair of Fetching from
Pair of Thrummed Mittens from yarn that mom got me from Alaska. Thanks mom!
Ring of Fire from
Lillehammer from
Jughead Hat (FROGGED) from Domiknitrix book
Topi hat from
R2D2 Hat for my brother
Cable hat for my dad
Yoda Hat for Jacob for Halloween
2 skull hats, one for Jacob one for Lacey
Banana Republic Knock off hat
Other Knits in Misc. Categories:
Amanda Headband from Sleepy Eyes Knits (Gina)
Captain Underpants Doll
Beaded Flapper Fringe Choker
Bunny Cuddle Buddy
2 Hedgehogs from Fiber Trends
Several Dishcloths
Yarn Wreath made out of spare balls of yarn from ManchVegas Knitters.
WOW again, what a list.
Memories I'll remember from 2007:
My parents first visit together to NH.
Sonya's visit to NH. Weirdo that made her miss her plane. haha
Going out to O'Shea's Sonya while back in KY.
Stow away frogs from Laurin's pool party.
Indigo Girls and Brandi Carlile concert with Melissa. Good Times Good Times.
Trips to the beach with my boys.
Karaoke with Ericka (Just ONE Drink then we'll be ok....)
Grandview with the Manch girls.
Here's hoping for a great 2008!!
Thursday, December 20, 2007 I think most of NH is laughing at me because I'm not realizing the joy about this snow. So tonight, I attempted to embrace the snow, become one with the snow, ENJOY the snow. And... well... I did!! I felt like a kid again!! So I hopped into the snow... knee deep and that's just where I stopped. There's more snow beneath me.

And just to make sure I got the WHOLE embrace the snow sensation, Hubby helped out a bit and PUSHED ME DOWN!! FLAT... I squealed with joy... no wait..that was because the snow went up the back of my shirt a little!! haha But, know what!?!? (sit down Melissa) This Helped!! I am not feeling so enclosed now. It helped to play a little

Here's a fun video of Hubby and I enjoying the snow. We tried to get Jacob to come out and play, but he wasn't too interested. I must have warm blooded kids who don't like snow. Give them time New Hampshire....they'll come around. It's a bit intimidating when some snow drifts are taller than your dad!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Hey Mom!! Listen to THIS

The other night at knitting we some how got on the subject of Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. No doubt I brought up the subject because sometimes I think that's ALL Nathan ever wants to eat. It's kinda cute...He'll say, "Mommy, I want a Peanut Jelly Sandwich in a triangle." That's probably how the topic got started....Gina, Jackie and I are forever telling the latest and greatest cute things our kids have said! Well, I broke in to song!!! My favorite PB&J song from my childhood!! I abruptly stopped at the phrase "Eat it in the bathtub" and got looks as if to say "You're stopping there???? GO ON!!!" But I couldn't remember much after that. So the above link should open your Window's media player and play the song for you. Ericka was attempting so hard today to help me find the song...she sent me messages on YAHOO this it? Is this it? Her attempts got me hunting and I found it!! Thanks Ericka for the motivation!!
On the knitting front, I have completed one Thrummed Mitten from some awesome merino yarn mom sent me from her trip to Alaska!!! OH I'm going to have toasty hands this winter!!! I'll get pictures of them when they are finished!! Maybe later tonight if I get them done since I'm not going out in that stuff I said I wasn't even going to talk about in the first sentence.
Friday, December 14, 2007
6:45am.....neighbor is out snow blowing... SIX FORTY FIVE people!!! I was trying to make my way to the coffee pot at that time, then checking to see about school delays and such. Which brings me to my next issue shall we say... School started at the normal time. Good thing about the neighbor snow blowing... he snow blowed our walk way when he brought the snow blower back and put it away. So it was easy to make it to the car this morning.
The sun is shining BRIGHT right now and I've sprinkled some salt down, so our walk ways are clear to the driveway. OH YES Let me mention, this all started yesterday about the time I went to get Jacob from school and it took me about 40 minutes to clean the driveway off enough to get the car back UP the driveway (that's where I attempted the snow blower....ugh)
Now Lincoln is not a small dog people!! So that just tells you how much snow we have around here.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jacob's pretending he has a sack full of toys.
Friday, December 07, 2007
We went to a place called "Santa's Workshop" in Hooksett, NH
The boys had a great time watching Pyckles the elf make a car for Nathan. Jacob and Nathan both talked to Santa again. We also had cookies.
This photo was taken with my cell phone camera at the workshop. (BTW, Nathan has taken a liking to my beautiful scarf that Sonya made me for my birthday, so we share.) And below is a picture of the boys and the cars they got from Santa's workshop. It was a very festive atmosphere, and I (being the big kid that I am) enjoyed myself and enjoyed seeing Christmas through the eyes of my boys, that was the best!! The second best thing was this was something that was free (though they didn't reject a kind donation.)

Monday, December 03, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
I've been knitting a bit on my hoodie and have both of the arms done. Now to finish off the bottom of the sweater. I hope to have it finished in time to wear to Gina's holiday party for our knitting group.
I also finished some other knitting while I haven't been blogging.
This is a knitted/beaded Flapper Fringe Choker. I got the instructions from Beadwork Magazine (Oct/Nov 2004). The design is by Lily M. Chin.
Needles: 0000 (yep that's 4 of them!! SMALL!)
DMC Perle 8 Cotton - Color # 823 (Dark Navy Blue)
Size 11 seed beads-white/pearlish color
This took one afternoon and evening to knit up.
Next on the hit parade are a pair of Fetching Mitts from .
These are a gift for my Grandmother for Christmas. Hope she likes them! They are soft!!
One Skein of Rowan Cashsoft DK
Size 6 needles

So..... That's all for now. I'm going to see what the weather's going to blow in tonight. Doesn't sound like we're going to have a mild night. We might have some of that WHITE STUFF in the morning outside. Jake would probably LOVE another day off school.