Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Brent's over the flu (he had it last week around Valentine's day. um yeah, don't kiss me...) and luckily neither of the boys have it yet. I haven't either, but sure as I hit post on this blog, I'll wake up with something to go along with my stiff neck.
Guess it sounds like I'm whiny and cranky a bit... well.. I am.. dang snow.
The bright side is MOM AND DAD!! They will be here this time next week. I can not wait to see them!! Haven't seen them since July. Wish they could tuck the nieces and nephew in the suit cases and bring them. :)
Nathan and I were talking about his name last night while we were playing a game. I asked him what his name was and he told me his first name and last name. I said his name again but inserted his middle name. He looks at me and quickly says "No Mommy! I'm not whining!!" Guess he's caught on that I only use THAT full name gig when he's whining. LOL!! I laughed at that.
Jacob's doing well. Not much to write that's funny about him. He's your typical 7 year old.
I bought a journal. One to write funny things in that the kids say that I think are cute or funny. It's small enough to fit in my purse. to read a bit, go to bed only to wake up to see what the snow has in store for me tomorrow. I know I won't be shoveling if my neck is still acting up.
Can someone shoot me some 70 degree weather...even if only for an hour or so to melt the crap off my driveway and sidewalks?
OMG and I'm so with Melissa on the pot hole issue!!! Seriously Manchester...there's some out there I think my car would fit in!! YIKES!!!!
Please hurry Spring. I need to thaw out.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Happy Festivus. Brent and I went to a Festivus party Saturday night. Yes there was a pole. Yes there was pole dancing. It was a guy, it was a bit creepy, and no I did NOT take a picture! haha. There was lots of food and lots of people. I knew ONE person at the party..... Brent. I did meet some people Brent worked with, played a round of darts (and lost), but I had fun.
I've been in Nh now for what, about 18 months....and I'm just now realizing that Brent and I do not have the same friends. Yes, he's met some of my knitting friends and likes them, and yes I've meet some of his coworkers and like them too. But when we go out to any kind of gathering, it's always "his" or "hers" friend group. I miss the "our" group. Friends we've both gotten to know at the same time. It makes going out more fun when we both know people. I'm not saying I don't have a good time with my friends, boy howdy I DO!!! But I sometimes miss the times that Brent and I go out and have a good time with the "our" friends.
Guess I'm a bit homesick ......good thing mom and dad are coming for a visit in about two weeks!! Can't wait to see them!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
OK here's the deal! I made these awesome fingerless mittens!! They are called "Mitt Envy". So I have them but I don't have mitt envy. (I know..goofy play on words)
The yarn is Koigu KPPPM. and they only took one skein. I have a third mitt done. It was the very first one I did and I totally missed a thumb gusset increase, so rather than rip it out I prayed I had enough in the skien to do the third mitt, and I did...had a bit of yarn left over even!! SO...I have another ball of the same color and I may be making more of these in the same color way and stashing them away for birthday presents or christmas presents or something.

Also, today the boys had dentist appointments. They both had to have work done for icky cavities. Nathan just had one, so he got what they called "The Silver Star" I don't know who was more or him, but he got through it and even tried to show my dad (who he was talking to on the phone) his Silver Star. Jacob had to have more extensive work done, but Brent said that Jacob didn't even feel the stick of the needle when he got the novacaine! I'm pretty impressed with the dentist office we found. I really like the Dentist and his assistants are very patient. The dentist even dug in his special hiding spot for two special little toys for Jacob and Nathan that he had not put out yet for kids to pick! Pretty cool eh?
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Today I took Jacob (and his buddy Brayden) to Barnes and Noble to meet the Author of "Diary Of A Wimpy Kid", Jeff Kinney.

The boys, waiting in line.
**On the way into the store we were talking about Authors and how exciting it's going to be to meet one. One of the boys commented "I thought all authors were dead!" ::giggle giggle::