Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Kids are entertaining. Kids say the darnedest things... and so on.
Being the mother of two boys, ages 7 and 4, is a fun job.
So what's the disclaimer above about?? Your not laughing yet? OK here's the story.
Last night I got the ole visit from old Aunt Agnes and wasn't quite prepared. You know what I'm talking about. So explained to the boys I needed to go to the store for "girlie things", that's exactly what I said. I HAD to take the boys because Hubby is out of town. (Seriously I thought about calling someone to come over so I could go alone but I thought, nahhhh)
So we get to the store and I'm standing there picking out my "girlie things" and Nathan LOUDLY asks "CAN I HOLD THE BAND AIDS??"
Quietly I answer "Yes."
So then off to the counter to pay with all the "girlie things" and Nathan plops the "band aids" on the counter and announces again (and still loud, why don't children come with a volume knob?) "I HAVE THE BAND AIDS." and I get a comical look from the check out gal. I simply smile, pay for my things and leave. Guess who wants to carry the band aids.....
ANYWAY... so we are in the car on the ride home. Jacob asks me "Mom what are those things for?"
I tell him that I have a little bit of a tummy ache and those things will help me feel better (yeah right... work with me, I don't want to tell him too much).
He then says "A tummy ache, well, shouldn't you be puking by now??"
Me: "Um...I'm not that sick!!" What is he thinking????
SO... yeah it goes on more. We get home and we are going in the back door and Nathan is all kinds of excited, "MOM! Can I help you put the band aids on?!?!"
Me: "Um....NO!"
Jacob: "Can I help?"
Me: "NO...I can take care of myself."
I had tears rolling down my face. Those two made that trip so fun. I mean have any of you ever had that much fun buying "girlie things"??
I love my boys!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008¤t=april022.flv
I also finished some footies. Ran out of yarn though. Started with Socks that Rock "Sedona" and finished off with Sereknity "Tree Frog". I have them on today and they are comfy! I plan to make more footies!

Also this past week was Jacob's "spring break". We stuck around the house. Went to the park one day, watched movies and such. On Thursday we went to the Currier Museum of Art, and then Friday went to the movies and saw Horton Hears A Who. (LOVED IT!)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Silently the tree falls.
If a tree falls down in the woods does it make a sound? I'm going to guess No, because this tree fell down two houses down and I didn't hear a darn thing!!! My windows are even open too today. My boys ride their bike up and down that sidewalk. Just yesterday they had out their battery operated Hummer and they were driving it up and down the street with the neighbor's son. I'm just thankful it fell toward the street, didn't hit any wires, and didn't hit any cars or people! Whew!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
You can find the pattern here. I knit both of these up yesterday. They took about an hour each. They are going in to a coffee themed raffle basket at Jacob's school.

Sunday, April 13, 2008
I was sweating bullets......
I got a New Hairdo for Spring!
This is Before (kinda a crappy picture but taken a couple weeks ago. Most current I could find.)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008
I want to thank all the people who voted for me and my "Hippie Nate". I came in on the top five but did not win. BUT one of you did.
The winner is: (drum roll) ELLEN!!! If you get a chance, jump over to Ellen blog and check out her amazing Bead Work!! She's a very talented bead artist!! Thanks for your vote Ellen!
Yesterday I went to the library with Nathan and met up with Gina and Jackie and their children. My goodness but that's a nice children's section in the Londonderry Library! This has inspired me to check out some other libraries in the surrounding areas, because I'm just not happy enough with Manchester's Children's section in the Main library as I was with what I saw yesterday! Thanks Gina and Jackie for a fun afternoon. I love hanging out with you gals and the kids.
Last night Brent and I watched American Idol. We're addicted. Our favorite of the night was Jason Castro. He sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow, but with a different style. He took the twist of Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. It was beautiful. You can hear Israel's version here.
Here's Jason's version. Beautiful.
Saturday, April 05, 2008

Sonya's out tonight in Lexington, KY probably hanging out with a huge group and the Yarn Harlot. Sonya was so excited and was getting her picture taken by someone (not sure) but she said she'd blog the picture because she was on the phone with me, so I'm there on the phone, you just can't see me. haha!! I can't wait to get back to Kentucky and hang out with my knitters there. I miss them.
Thanks for all who voted for me on the contest. It is now over and they are going to chose from the top five who they want as 1st, 2nd and 3rd. They aren't going to go by the counted votes, they are just going to choose from the top five. So there's still a chance I could win something. I am going to work on a little something too for my contest for those of you who voted for me!!! I really appreciate your support! It was a fun knit and fun contest.
While I'm in a thanking mood:
Ericka, Thanks for thinking of me even though we weren't close to the fire. So good to know I have some friends here that really to care about me and my menfolk!!
Melissa, Thanks for the countless rides to Windham!! I tease you're my driver, but you know I think the world of you!!
Jackie, Thanks for the orange yarn!! It will be put to good use and will cheer another friend. (BTW, did the warning I email help any?? HAHA)
Brent, (even though you probably don't read this), You just rock as a best friend and husband!
Sonya, Thank you for the gift in the mail this week. It added some Sunshine to my day! :)
I've been tagged by Caroline:
The Rules: Post the rules on your blog. Link to the person who tagged you. Share 6 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. Tag 6 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I'm scared to get my haircut.
2. I don't like the blankets all messy when I go to bed. If they're messy then they're all nubbley.
3. I didn't drink coffee until we moved to NH.
4. I put spaghetti noodles in my chili (odd to some NH people when I tell them. I think most Southerner's would understand.)
5. I like peanut butter sandwiches WITH my chili and spaghetti (or spagilli as Sarah calls it)
6. I need 3 pillows to sleep comfortably, and Jacob took my favorite one, but he's my son, so I sacrificed and gave it to him and seem to be fairing well.
I tag anyone who wants to do this because I've asked enough from my friends this week.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008