Where do I start?!? Let's start with the spoiling.
I had joined a swap on Ravelry called the Pill Bottle Swap. The Instructions that came with the swap simply said "Take as needed, preferably daily. Repeat as often as desired" In side the package was all these goodies pictured below! Thank you Karen! You're an "angel" ;o) Two skeins of Cascade Fixation, peanuts, knitting needles, tapestry needles, stitch markers, "L" notepad, Needle tip protectors, a cut zippered bag with a matching mirror.
Next in the mail was a package from my Secret Pal 12. A book of patterns from Debbie Macomber, Labels for my sewing projects, Wool to hang outside for the birds to come and take to make warm beds (they'll be needing that here in the North!) And some Lavender and Shea Butter Soap. OMG but it smells goooooooooooood. Thank you SP! Love all the goodies.
Now for the knitting. I knit these pedicure socks and they are going to be gifted out. They were a quick knit on size US7 needles with Paton's Classic Merino Wool that I got a Michael's while in Kentucky.
And the Summertime Tunic. I'm still not sold on this as being a great finish project. I don't like how it looks on me. Trust me it looked WORSE with out the bright white shirt underneath. Maybe it will grow on me and one day I'll be like "HEY I like this". Last night at knitting I was threatening to sew up the bottom and have myself a new Bag!! It's made from Cotton/Linen.
I do however LOVE LOVE LOVE the ribbon I bought to accent it with. It's just perfect!

On a not knitting note but still worth mentioning (maybe some of you won't care). But I am now officially a resident of the state. Yup. I surrendered my Kentucky License yesterday and got one for here. Hello New England!!! You are home now! I have proof!