With the recent events that happened back home in Kentucky, it has made me appreciate, love and cherish my family and friends more.
Friday was Brent's birthday.
Ericka was so nice and made him one of her awesome cheesecakes. Her husband even did a bit of shifty work at his job so he could run home and get the cheesecake so they could bring it to me at knitting on Friday Night. Look at this cheesecake. Don't you wish you could have some!! It's totally delicious!!!!!!

There's a little under half left. If you ever are in the presence of one of Ericka's cheesecakes you better treat yourself to a bite!
Saturday Jacob got the treat of having a sleepover at a friends house. When we went to pick him up on Sunday the parents said that Jacob is welcome anytime at their house. It made me proud to know that Jacob showed his best behavior while at his friends house.
After we picked up Jacob we programed Brent's new TomTom to get us to Milford, NH for the Pumpkin Festival.

The TomTom was a great gift from Brent's mother. We are having fun trying to trick it. :)

There were some rather LARGE pumpkins at the festival. The one behind the boys was over 1000 lbs.!! It was grown in Bedford NH.

The fall season is upon us in New England and I'm sure the
Leaf Peepers are in full force up North!!
We introduced the boys to fried dough with powdered sugar and a bit of cinnamon on it. Nathan had on his clothes and in his hair. I'd say it was a hit, wouldn't you??

Jacob wasn't crazy about it at first, but after I put cinnamon on his, he looked like this.....

Yeah, he likes cinnamon!

On the walk back to the car we crossed some train tracks and this was the view down the tracks.
I received some mail over the weekend from a swap I joined. This was called the "Favorite Things Swap". You were to pack your pal some of your favorite things to have while knitting. My pal,
Jenny, sent me a wonderful package!! A handmade project bag. I love the fabric used on this! Some orange cotton Jawoll Sock yarn, Size US2 DPNs, Burt Bee's lip balms, Bee's hand cream, Chocolate!!! with peanut butter in it no less. yum, and a book. The book is one she told me she reads to her son. I was so touched that she involved something personal like that, that I can share with my boys. Thanks Jenny!!

I missed a family reunion this past weekend back in Kentucky. I did get a treat though. I called my mother yesterday evening and she was just saying goodbye to her brother, Edward. Jacob is named after this uncle of mine (Jacob Edward). I was able to speak with him on the phone and it was so good to hear his voice and chat for a bit. I hope one year we'll be able to go home for one of these family reunions that I grew up loving going too. It really sucks that I missed getting one of my Aunt Lorene's fried apple turnovers!!! grrrrrr