Hey there....not a lot going on here. I had an interview this week with Aflac and Jefferson County Medical Society. Lord I'm tired of trying to sell myself to people. Oh well.
I've been knitting. Working on a bracelet. Here's the pattern. I have a feeling I'll be making a couple of these...My mother has been eyeballing the bracelet, and she loves bracelets about as much as I do!!
Brent had a gig in Chicago, IL last night. I'm not sure yet how it went but hopefully he'll call soon and give me the low down. Wish I could have went with him, but Jakey-boy had school today so I needed to stay here with him.
Jakes on spring break next week. We're thinking of going camping one or two nights if it's nice weather...so here's hoping!
Hope everyone's doing well.!! Leave comments letting me know you were here!! Just nice to know someone's out there :)
Yarn Critters
3 weeks ago