So here are some of my thoughts...
24/7 with a 2 year old that doesn't quite talk where I can FULLY understand EVERYTHING.
Car Insurance worries me
Looking for a job.
Take a part time job? Take a full time job? No that's not enough pay but no one's offering more.
What to do, What to do......
Out of the blue tonight over dinner Jacob ask me, "Mom, why can't you find a job??" I just laughed and said, "Jacob, I have NO CLUE!!!" That just made me laugh....Maybe I tell him too much....
Brent's working A LOT!! He's worn out when he gets home. I miss him.
Sometimes I think, POO ON IT, I'll stay home and learn how to be a full time mother and deal with it. I've had a hard time adjusting to being a full time mother. Who knew 2 year olds were SO busy SO much of the day!! Well all I can say is Thank Goodness for Johnny Depp in "Willie Wonka"!! Nathan goes around singing "Willie Wonka, Willie Wonka," but if anyone else heard him they would have no clue what he's singing....but since I'm with him 24/7 this is one of the things I've caught on to.
I have another interview Monday...gotta find a sitter....I have no friends who do not work!!! I AM the friend that doesn't work.... *sigh*
On a good note....I made a final payment on a debt that had been over XX,000 is now to ZERO... it feels gooooooooood!!!! It doesn't matter the starting debt number...just know it was LARGE but it's Large no more.
I'm still working on the bunny back pack and ordered some thread and beads to make this bracelet.
So this will be my next project after the back pack.
I agree, job hunting stinks! I'm excited about eliminating your big debt! I wish I could be there with you. Stupid credit cards. They should ban those from college students.
Yay on debt pay off. Woohoo, good for you! I want one of those bracelets. Hurry!
Hang in there babe! Love ya
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