Wow what a weekend. Saturday the boys and I did a little exploring and found a new mall we had not been to. Inside this mall we found a wonderful candy store and the boys picked up these cool mugs! Great for milk and cookies, I say.

On Sunday, Mother's Day, The guys and I went to the NH Sheep and Wool Festival. Jacob woke up saying he didn't want to go, but I think in the end he was happy!! I love this picture below of the boys. Yes, boys get dirty. WHAT is on Nathan's nose?!? Behind them is a bunch of Sheep wool that was sheared.

I think Nathan and this Alpaca were trying to figure each other out...either that or they had a "moment" haha.

We enjoyed a KettleKorn show! I saw this because the boys thought it was cool that they got to see the pop corn POP and when the guy poured the kettle korn into the other bowl he got the loudest "OH YEAH!!!!!!!!" from Jacob. I'm sure the guy doesn't get that many people THAT excited about kettle korn, but Jacob loved the "show" haha.

Shortly after the kettle show we got to see a wind exhibit!! We were sitting across from the little cookie place there by the "barn" and the wind kicked up and "UP" went the tent that gave them shelter and shade. Yep, you guessed it....another rip roaring "OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!" from Jacob, though I don't think the owners were amused. Brent said that little show there was worth the price of admission LMAO!

Jacob got to help with some wool explanations and brought some sheep wool home.

I had a good time looking at the animals and such. Just know I have a book, camera, phone, kleenex, and some other girly things in my sweatshirt pocket...that's not ALL ME! :) haha

Brent and the boys looking at some babies in a pen.

It was a great day!! I'll post my mother's day gifts when they get here....they're in the mail and it's going to be an awesome day when they get here!!! :)
Update on Nathan: We have to take him to an eye doctor tomorrow for further consult. hooray...... *sigh*
Glad you had fun at Sheep & Wool. We went on Sat and had a blast. Next year I may bring the boy.
Wow! So you did go! We missed you on Saturday. Sounds like you had a fun time. Love the pics of the boys! Those mugs are AWESOME!! Where did you get them???
Happy belated mother's day and see ya Wed!
After 10 years in NH I still haven't made it to S&W! *sigh* Maybe next year. Looks like the kids had almost as much fun as mom :)
We missed you on Saturday! I'm so glad you did get to go. I almost went on Sunday too, but the day got away from us. Who's up for the MA Sheep & Wool?
I would have loved to go with you. It looks like even Brent had fun. Did Nathan think the sheep were stinky?? I would like to see them do the popcorn.
Great pics!
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