Thursday, March 22, 2007

My Favorite Knitting Accessory.....................

This question came to me via Secret Pal 10. Yes I'm in. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's like a secret sister/pal where you spoil someone anonymously and then someone does the same to you.

The leader of the group I'm in gave us a question and asked us to blog about it.

What is your Favorite Knitting Accessory?
Hum..........I really had to think... and I've come to the conclusion that I like ALLLL my knitting accessories. Stitch markers are a life saver! A tape measure (or a yo-yo as Nathan calls it) can give you happiness (or not if you are stuck knitting in that black hole of never increasing your length), my little elephant bag that holds my socks, my big black bag I got from Knit Picks that I keep my current projects in and little scraps of this and that. And lets not forget the ever loved tapestry/finishing/darning needles. Projects would never get finished without them. It's all good. OH and then I started thinking about my knitting buddies and what accessory they would like the best. The one that sticks out the most and is kinda funny is
Ericka. Does she ALWAYS have a cable needle behind her ear????

BUT, let me tell you which one I think is really neat!! A stitch holder!

As I was making a pair of fingerless mitts the other day I had to put the thumb gusset on stitch holders (a piece of yarn, we'll get into that later) and continue with the top part of the mitt. The back to the stitch holder I went after I finished the top. Oh please (I silently pray) do not let me lose one of these live stitches on this thing when I start to move the stitches to the dpn's! I start knitting...pick up some stitches...and voila!! A hole for my thumb to stick through! It's just so cool! I used to have two of the blue ones pictured above but they are long gone. I now rely on a strand of string to hold my stitches, and boy that's REALLY when you gotta pray you don't drop a stitch!! They tend to get all snugly with the yarn holding them.


NH Knitting Mama said...

A good question, indeed... Just about impossible to answer, isn't it? There are all kinds of great knitting tools!

Montreal Mama said...

Great accessory post!

Sonya said...

Last week I used the hook style cable needle as a stitch holder. I do not think I could pick out a fav accessory. It might be easier to figure out which ones you could live without.

Lapdog Creations said...

Ooh... stitch holders are a must... time to use your 40% off weekly AC Moore coupon from Gigi's site, no?? :) If I don't have one, I usually have some safety pins in my bags to keep me from having to use the dreaded piece of yarn....

Anonymous said...

such a sad day *sigh* .. finally get hubby to drive me to joanns (about an hour away).. and wouldn't you KNOW IT.. power outage and closed.. what is a knitter in training to do lol