Yep that's what I got last night after singing White Rabbit at a Karaoke Bar. I had to google this phrase and here's what I found.
wicked pisser (noun) note used in New England pronounced "wicked pissah" Descibing something very good or very bad. Usage: when used without an article as in "This food is wicked pisser" it is taken to mean very good. when used with an article as in "Your job is a wicked pisser" its taken to mean something very bad.
I'm going to assume that I got the very good version as the dude was standing clapping and such. I'll take it ! LOL Let me start at the beginning.
It all started in a quaint little bookstore called Barnes & Noble. OK...not so little. I was there meeting up with some local Manchvegas knitters for a book signing of "The Friday Night Knitting Group" written by Kate Jacobs. Look she signed my book :)

She read a bit from her book and answered some questions. She seems very nice. After the book signing a couple of us from the group went to a local pub called McGarvy's where they had karaoke. A few opted to go across the street to a smoke free bar, but Ericka and I stayed at McGarvy's since she had already ordered onion rings and a drink. So I pulled up a stool and ordered myself a drink and got comfy. Ericka and I thought, what's the harm..we'll sing ONE song then go across the street and meet up with our friends (one which was her fiance'). Well one song let to two and then well ya know how it goes from there.
AH Squidd. What a dear heart! :) The guy hosting the karaoke that night was named Squidd. I started out the night singing "These Boots are Made for Walking" by Nancy Sinatra. Fun...did well... Ericka started with a little "Criminal" by Fiona Apple...she'd been a bad, bad girl. haha. Then when my turn came around again I belted out a little "White Rabbit". The moment this song was over was when I received my "Wicked Pissah" praise. Of course Ericka had to tell me that meant "really good"!! Ah still so much to learn about New England. LOL After I finished, Ericka belted out some "Proud Mary" with Squidd backing her up! ROCK ON! It was so fun! After awhile, OK maybe 2 hours, our friends showed back up wonder what the heck happened. We kinda just were like Oh what? yeah? um well.....KARAOKE happened. We were sucked in. We couldn't leave!!! We had one more song each in the wings!!!!! Ericka and I finished off the night with both of us doing tributes to Janis Joplin. I did Me & Bobby McGee, and I do believe I was the only one that got excited when I sang the phrase "From the Kentucky coal mines"......Ericka belted out Mercedes Benz and the whole bar erupted and sang along, clapping and banging on tables for the beat since Squidd decided Ericka was the featured A Cappella singer for the night. It was fun, awesome, enjoyable, entertaining!! Oh some guy did "Just a Gigolo" and I was about in tears laughing...he really hammed it up! So entertaining. Oh and some dude named Paul, very good voice!! But know what...HE DID NOT GET A WICKED PISSAH BABY!!!!! tee hee...ok done bragging.
Watch these blogs for pictures from the book signing if you're interested. NO PICTURES were taken at Karaoke...ya just should have been there. :)
Ericka,Heather,Gina,Nichole,Gigi (did you even have your camera??) and Jackie. Are in in the side bar links of my blog because right now I'm too lazy to link them here and I want to go eat an apple with my boys, then go outside and maybe blow some bubbles with looks nice out there.
Thanks for a fun night Ericka!!! I had a blast with ya!
Lora, close your eyes and picture me blowing BIG RASPBERIES at you.
It sounded like a wonderful evening. Glad to know they are keeping you entertained.
Sounds like it was a great time! Glad you had fun!
Sounds like you guys sure did have fun after we left B&N!!! :)
Oh My Gawd! That was a ridiculous amount of fun! This is definitely going to become a regular thing.
aaawwwww, maaaan!!! I ish i were there. I have been known to succumb to the lure of karaoke myself. Maybe some Wednesday soon?
So sorry I missed your singing!!!
We'll find another place Gina. :)
aw, MAN! I wish I had been there, I loves me some karaoke!! Lora, I bet you sang WICKED good!!! :o)
You ah so wicked pissa! I'm glad you guys had fun.
Sooooo jealous you got her book signed. What was she like?
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