Banana Republic Knock off Hat (Pattern Here)
Yarn: Lion Brand Wool-Ease gifted from Celti
Cast On: Tuesday morning 10/23
Cast Off: Tuesday night 10/23
Button from an old duPont Manual High School Uniform (my Alma mater)
In other news, Dad had a birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday dad!! I called him and the boys picked out a hoops and yoyo card on the Internet to email him. I sent his gift and my brother has it. So when I find out he's gotten the gift I'll post it here. Maybe I already did I can't remember, but don't want to post it now and ruin the surprise! If you're on Ravelry you can see it there. :)
Also on the home front, we have the keys to the new joint. Last night a very nice coworker of Brent's came over with his two teen age sons and they moved some boxes over to the new place. I think they made about 3 trips in that big Suburban truck of theirs!! The rooms here in the old apartment are looking big again now that all the boxes are gone. I'll get some pictures soon of the new place. It's beautiful.
I'm not sure when I'll have the Internet back up over at the new place so this may be my last blog entry for a bit.
Great hat! I'll have to give that one a whirl myself. It looks like it would work nicely with some of my handspun. Can't wai tto see picks of the new place! (oh, and happy b-day "dad"!)
Love the hat; I'm gonna have to whip up one of those myself.
How exciting that you are beginning the move; I can't wait to see the new place.
Happy Birtday, Lora's Daddy :)
p.s. I can't tell which item it is on Ravelry :(
Enjoy your new place! Love the BR hat - and the colorway you used. Thanks for sharing the pattern.
Love the hat! Can't wait to see the new place!
That is one cool hat. Love the button detail.
(btw, my husband was on his way to ft knox when he was in the accident. on dixie highway.)
I think I am going to have to try this hat pattern. The button accent is so cute!
very cool hat - and a great gift for XMas. Glad to hear you are just about moved in - see you at the Grandview!!!
I LooOooOOoooovvee My new hat!
I've actually been wearing it with my fingerless mittens! I'm so cool now!!
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