OH but Etsy is dangerous!!! I've been surfing today and just look at this list of things that I have decided I love
Watermelon Sock Yarn (complete with seeds) See some knit up on ravelry here.
Knitting is Sexy!
Ducky Stitch Markers
Elephant Wristlet
EEEEE LOVE THIS Elephant Wallet
ok better stop now.... I Love etsy! And don't forget I have an etsy shop myself!
On another note, TODAY IS WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! That means knitting tonight! I haven't knit with this group in a little over a month! Can't wait to see them. Hope they are ready for me to come back. :o)
Yarn Critters
1 week ago
Knitting in Kentucky was not the same last night, without you. We missed you!! I know you will be glad to go back in NH.
You are SO evil! After seeing that Watermelon yarn, I had to go and get it. I love how they used pink instead of red for the watermelon! Oh, and check out my blog for the new yarns I've been knitting with!
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